Coach Jordan

Education:The International Sports Sciences Association

Experience:5 Years


Weight:225 lbs


Coach Jordan

Fitness Trainer


Meet Jordan Gillette, the dynamic personal trainer and Chief Maintenance Officer (CMO) at Power Athletics. Jordan’s love for soccer started at a young age, but he also faced the challenges of dealing with obesity. Determined to overcome these hurdles and empower others, he embarked on a transformative journey. Today, as a dedicated coach, Jordan’s mission is to help individuals overcome their limitations and unlock their full potential.

Specializing in strength and conditioning exercises, Jordan is here to guide and inspire you on your path to becoming the best version of yourself. Certified as a personal trainer by the prestigious International Sports Sciences Association (ISSA), Jordan brings a wealth of expertise to the table. When you choose Jordan as your trainer, you’re signing up for unwavering commitment to your success.

Having experienced and conquered personal challenges, Jordan uses his journey to motivate and support his clients. Whether you’re focused on building strength, improving conditioning, or achieving specific fitness goals, Jordan will craft personalized training programs that propel you to new heights.

Embark on your journey to greatness with Jordan and experience the transformative power of his expertise. Say goodbye to obstacles holding you back and embrace the opportunity to work with a passionate trainer who will guide you toward a healthier, fitter, and more empowered version of yourself. 💪🔥 #FitnessGoals #PersonalTransformation #TrainWithJordan