Power Athletics is a health and wellness company that provides mobility, strength, and Olympic weightlifting training.

Our vision is to provide power lifters and strength coaches with innovative and informational technologies to perform at the best of their capabilities.

Our mission is to to strengthen the human existence through the teachings of consistency, discipline, meditation, and lifting heavy objects.

At Power Athletics, we live by our values, which are:
– Vision: seeing what you want and how you want to be, and working towards that every day.
– Communication: relaying information in a timely manner.
– Honesty: free of deceit and untruthfulness; sincere.
– Integrity: strong moral principles; moral uprightness.
– Respect: due regard for the feelings, wishes, rights, or traditions of others.
– Accountability: having an obligation to do something; responsibility
– Courage: the ability to do something that frightens one.
– Grit: strength of character.
– Sustainability: ability to be upheld
– Posititivity: being optimistic about situations, interactions, and yourself.

At Power Athletics, we are committed to providing a safe environment that nurtures your growth and knowledge of U.S.A. Weightlifting.

Coach GiGi

Fitness Trainer

Coach Jordan

Fitness Trainer

Coach Power T

Fitness Trainer