Year: 2024

Understanding Supplements

Hey everyone! I noticed there has been questions about supplementation, so I wanted to address those. Remember, supplements are NOT meant to replace food! A well-balanced diet should be your primary source of nutrition. Here’s what that looks like: 3 medium to 6 small meals a day A variety of colorful foods (think of a […]

Decoding Nutrition Labels

Understanding nutrition labels is essential for making informed food choices that contribute to a healthy diet. Here’s a step-by-step guide based on the Dietary Guidelines for Americans 2020-2025:   Check the Serving Size:   Serving Size and Servings Per Container: Begin by checking the serving size and the number of servings per container. The information […]

Make up? No Problem!

This is the Beauty Corner, where fitness and beauty come together. Discover fresh tips to refine your pre- and post-workout routines. Here’s to a healthier, more radiant you!

Hot Girl Summer

Step into the Beauty Corner, where health and beauty converge. Uncover fresh insights to boost your fitness routine before and after workouts. Here’s to achieving a healthier and more vibrant you!

The Power of Beauty

Welcome to the beauty corner where fitness meets beauty. Check out updates to your upgrade your pre/post workout routine. Cheers to a healthier you!

Fit and Flawless

Welcome to the Beauty Corner, where fitness and beauty intersect. Discover the latest updates to enhance your pre- and post-workout routines. Cheers to a healthier, more beautiful you!

Did you know? : Coffee Edition

What’s up Athlete? Let’s dive into the world of energy drinks and caffeine and how they impact your workouts and daily energy levels. First off, energy drinks have been on the rise, especially among young folks and athletes. They’re marketed as boosting energy and performance, but the research behind these claims is a bit shaky. […]


When delving into the world of wholesome eating, the term “versatility” might not be the initial thought that springs to mind. Many associate healthy eating with uninspiring salads and flavorless fare, perpetuating the misconception that adopting a nutritious lifestyle requires relinquishing the pleasure of culinary delights. Yet, the key to maintaining a healthful diet lies […]

Maximizing Gains: A Comprehensive Guide to Proper Nutrition for Weightlifters

Embarking on the path of resistance training demands more than mere repetitions with weights. The nutritional aspect is a vital component in realizing your fitness aspirations, be it muscle building, strength enhancement, or stamina improvement. In this discourse, we’ll delve into pivotal nutrition strategies tailored for weightlifters, emphasizing the significance of meticulous meal preparation, achieving […]